The role of affect regulation in daily life alcohol and marijuana use

ma 11 september 2023 (14.00)

Lezing door dr. Jonas Dora, University of Washington.

Type evenement: 
Voordracht - lezing


The role of affect regulation in daily life alcohol and marijuana use

Lezing door dr. Jonas Dora 


Zaal Bruckner | administratief gebouw UZ Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg (grijze pijl)


De lezing gaat vooraf aan de doctoraatsverdediging van Nicolas Leenaerts, Stuurloos: hoe stress en negatief affect leiden tot bingegedrag in boulimia nervosa en alcoholmisbruik.


Over Jona Dora

Dr. Jonas Dora is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington in the lab of prof. Kevin King. More specifically, he studies how emotions shape our decision-making processes concerning substance use. Recently, he published an interesting meta-analysis of experience sampling method studies on how affect is related to daily life alcohol use. In contrast to previous held beliefs, negative affect was not found to be a predictor of subsequent alcohol use in this meta-analysis. Additionally, Dr. Dora has a keen interest in Bayesian analysis methods for experience sampling method data.

In this lecture, Dr. Dora will discuss his recent findings on the role of affect regulation in daily life alcohol and marijuana use.

Interesting publications:

Dora J, Piccirillo M, Foster KT, Arbeau K, Armeli S, Auriacombe M, Bartholow B, Beltz AM, Blumenstock SM, Bold K, Bonar EE, Braitman A, Carpenter RW, Creswell KG, De Hart T, Dvorak RD, Emery N, Enkema M, Fairbairn C, Fairlie AM, Ferguson SG, Freire T, Goodman F, Gottfredson N, Halvorson M, Haroon M, Howard AL, Hussong A, Jackson KM, Jenzer T, Kelly DP, Kuczynski AM, Kuerbis A, Lee CM, Lewis M, Linden-Carmichael AN, Littlefield A, Lydon-Staley DM, Merrill JE, Miranda R Jr, Mohr C, Read JP, Richardson C, O'Connor R, O'Malley SS, Papp L, Piasecki TM, Sacco P, Scaglione N, Serre F, Shadur J, Sher KJ, Shoda Y, Simpson TL, Smith MR, Stevens A, Stevenson B, Tennen H, Todd M, Treloar Padovano H, Trull T, Waddell J, Walukevich-Dienst K, Witkiewitz K, Wray T, Wright AGC, Wycoff AM, King KM. The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data. Psychol Bull. 2023 Jan-Feb;149(1-2):1-24. doi: 10.1037/bul0000387. PMID: 37560174; PMCID: PMC10409490.

Dora, J., McCabe, C., Van Lissa, C. J., Witkiewitz, K., & King, K. M. (2022, November 7). A tutorial on Bayesian analysis of ecological momentary assessment data in psychological research.

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