Slow and fast paced breathing and the relation between HRV and heartbeat evoked potential 

vr 8 september 2023 (16.00 tot 17.00)

Lezing professor Sylvain Laborde, PhD in Sport Science, PhD in Psychology, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln | DSHS · Department of Performance Psychology.

Type evenement: 
Voordracht - lezing


Current state of the art on slow and fast paced breathing and the relation between HRV and heartbeat evoked potential 

Lezing professor Sylvain Laborde, PhD in Sport Science, PhD in Psychology, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln | DSHS · Department of Performance Psychology


aula 01.01 - gebouw De Nayer - Campus Arenberg - Tervuursevest 101, 3001 Leuven

info en inschrijven


Na deze lezing volgt de doctoraatsverdediging door Anoushka Thoen (KU Leuven): Stressfysiologie en HRV-biofeedback bij jongeren met autisme.

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